Sunday, November 4, 2012


    Freckles are clusters of melanin which are found mostly on fair skin.  An effect from UV exposure from the sun.  I find freckles beautiful imperfections that show life.  A little dot here or a little dot there that shows an event.  One represents a trip to the beach with an uncle that now lives with angels.  Another represents a day of hiking in the open spaces of the parks of the Rocky Mountains. An snowboarding trip with the family, a day on the boat with Nanny, camping with friends, playing at the neighborhood pool, or just playing in the front yard with friends. 
    I concentrate on freckles because these beautiful little dots that represent events in my son's life, are giving him trouble with other children.  These children at school call him names and even refuse his friendship because he was blessed with these dots.  These dots that I find priceles,s he wants off his face.  As children grow older the freckles will fade.  These will fade like the memories they represent.  Like I said he earned a dot with an Uncle who no longer walks on earth.  A beach trip that will fade just as the freckles that were earned during that memory. I am sure some came from picking vegetables out of his great-grandfather's garden.  This was a family tradition each weekend and this  will fade too.  I wonder will he remember the kids singing, "connect the dots" or will he remember how plump tomatoes will never taste the same without Papaw's green thumb. 

    I leave you with this.  I take photos of these freckles because these are moments that he was outside being a kid.  These freckles will fade along with the moments that created them.  I document those memories that will fade because no matter how small they may seem at the time, it is those moments that make up who we are and who we become.  These freckles are priceless just like those memories that created them.